Friday, April 13, 2012

Posting instructions from my Peruvian Friend

You know how people who understand technology

think the rest of us are a bit dense...maybe 

dumb?  Well my Peruvian techi friend Monica

is willing to explain this to us in simple terms

but not without a bit of sarcasm.  But throwing

wheel keeps her humble as it does us all.  There

have been so many people having problems that 

wanted to post comments that I am posting this

again.  Monica's explanation is pretty simple

and straight forward.  Give it a try and make

a Peruvian Techie feel good! 

Smart Peruvian Techie friend and Potter Monica

Ok, here we go again, its not so hard to do it people!!!  (note the tech sarcasm!)

1. After you finished reading the new post go down and you will see a little enveloped and the words "comments" click there

2. Now you will see a white rectangular space where you can start typing.

3. Below the white square you will see

Comment as:...................... (and a littel arrow - click the arrow)

4. Find the word Anonymous and click on the word

5. Below that you will have 2 choices: publish and preview

6. If you choose preview you have the choice to see what you wrote and do some changes IF you want, then click publish

7. If you choose publish, well, you will publish whatever you wrote inmediately

8. Some bloggers have the option to read everything people submit before publish, but i think in Betsy case you can publish anything inmidiately 

9. If you do what i said, you will have your first comment published.


Monica Guerrero said...

Sarcasm???!! moi???? :D

Monica Guerrero said...

Oh, oh!.... I mean Uh-oh! :D

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