Sunday, March 25, 2012

Picasso as a child

Picasso was very bright and ahead of his classmates that were six years or more older...artistically. But he hated being told what to do and often found himself in trouble....
"For being a bad student I was banished to the 'calaboose' - a bare cell with whitewashed walls and a bench to sit on. I liked it there, because I took along a sketch pad and drew incessantly ... I could have stayed there forever drawing without stopping"

I think of so many children I taught who were the same way and myself as well. They drew on their math papers and looked into the distance when things became boring seeing a vision others could not see.  They were bright, but in a different way than people could see or understand.  They are often punished as Picasso was.  Many a child sits in a classroom today feeling the same way, being punished because they want to draw, they want to create.  They are often misunderstood, but they will become the creators of the future if the light is not drowned out.  Like Picasso, Edison, and Einstein and so many others who dared to keep envisioning and creating. So I say to them let nothing darken your path, let no one dissuade you, keep drawing, painting, is your path that will lead the way in the future!

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