Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Collage/Pieces of our Lives


Is oft thought of as a sub class to painting, drawing and sculpture. It is truly interesting that part of the art world has taken that position with its wonderful rich history. I have loved collage most of my life. I think it actually started with watching my Mother put together family photo's with clipping out bits of embroidery or lace to enhance the presentation. I can remember how carefully she would set aside pieces of her favorite bits of material and thoughtfully arrange each vignette. I watched with awe, and remember thinking I didn't know you were allowed to combine photographs with other things. I had not seen it done in anyone else's home or other place. It was unique to me and seemed to allow me to think differently.
Africa is not always given its due to the history of collage. Picasso is given credit and Braque, but it is not always mentioned that Picasso drew many of his influences came from African art. Rauschenberg, Johns, Cornell were artist who brought collage into the modern art world. Now it is a mainstay trending over to assemblage and all types of mixed media and found object collage. Curators and judges no longer cast an eye of disdain, as in the past, but have accept video artists, installations and other innovations.
The history of art is change, innovation, and exploration. Bright colors were thought to be a horror is certain periods of art, impressionism was thought unskilled art, and Van Gogh's work was not accepted in his life time. So art is meant to be in constant evolution and more that the realistic representation of a scene or object. Art is meant to challenge us, make us think, and to inspire discovery and exploration.
For me collage and assemblage are the archeology of the present and future. There will be a time when people study our objects for hints of how we lived as a civilization. I love old, worn, used, touched, lived with objects: they speak to be of times just past and times present that are moving into the past. It is the visual poetry of our lives, our beings journey in time. We leave a mark, we leave evidence we were here, we worked, we lived, and we existed on this earth at this time.

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