It is a bit like jump starting a car,
every thing is fresh and new,
you are bombarded with new combinations of color, sounds, smells, and images. People's mannerisms are different, the landscape from the air is different, and the staccato of language pattern is different. Sometime it is so much, one can not process it until much later and other times it is immediate...grab a sketch book, a camera, a journal and create away. These images are from San Miguel de Allende Mexico. Frida Callo and Diego Rivera are well known in the area, his family home is in town not far away.
I call this photo, "Frida Duo" should be Dos as in two, but somehow the Italian won over.
The pottery in the photo above is in a town called Delores Hildago. It is a pottery town filled with shop after shop of brightly painted pottery. They make handmade tiles as well. And to my surprise a month later when I was having my bathroom tiled the boxes arrived with the words,"made in Delores Hildago"!
This photo was taken on the center square of San Miguel de Allende. At night and late evenings people would gather to eat and talk. On Saturdays there is a farmers and handicraft market. And on Saturday evening the Marci bands played lively tunes as people danced away the night. I enjoyed my time there very much, only I came back with more than I bargained...dengue fever from a mosquito bite!
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