Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Gaudi a Master in Glass and Stone

We learn from other artist, viewing their work, turning over their concepts and ideas in our mind. Why one artist appeals to us over another has to do with something with in ourselves. Some artist speak to many peoples hearts and souls, and some artist to only a few. There are artist I like that are well known and those that are not, but each offers me something I had not thought of or seen before. Think of art as a time capsule, and in that capsule their is carried ideas and thoughts of another culture and time....what people valued as beautiful or not.
Gaudi believed in his work and had vision far greater than others of his time. One of the saddest things I read about Gaudi was that he died penniless going from house to house begging for money to finish his gran cathedral La Famila. All of his work is captivating, but the la family is the grandest of his projects. When I was there, it was said the workmen working their today will not live to see it finish, and the next generation may not as well, but the work continue. d
This is an inside detail of the Skeletal House. In the upper section there is room almost as you go out from the roof, it is carved like inside a seashell...you are inside a nautilus sea shell!

On the outside of the house you can see the concrete bones coming down in front of the windows and the fluid concrete that surround all. The lower windows open to pull in air for an innovative air system that kept the house cool on hot Barcelona days.
You may want to check out this site to learn more about Gauid and his work. http://www.barcelona-tourist-guide.com/en/gaudi/sagrada-familia.html

Think of the artist that have influenced you and why. Sometimes we are just drawn to something with out figuring out why until much later in our lives. Artist change us, just by the viewing of their work and the visual conversation that is being had with all who view!

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