photo by Elizabeth Gordon |
Photo by Elizabeth Gordon |
There is not much I don't love to photograph in New Orleans
but the people are wonderful and they have such character. This man was an art dealer sitting outside his gallery talking about his daughter who was an up and coming fashion model in Paris. The snippet of conversation is like the photo…a moment frozen in time, little bits of life that surround us and amaze us at the same time. I loved his thin wiry build, and immaculate dress. He was a fashion model in his own right. Sitting on this straight old chair, shoes polished, red feather in his hat and a tie clasp not shown in the photo, made of a light colored hair. Old fashioned and modern with his cell phone at the same time. I also love the colors of black and peach against each other. The texture of the antique brick and green post in the back ground all spell New Orleans.
Photo by Elizabeth Gordon |
One of the things I love about New Orleans is its eccentric people. It is a city full of great characters and people who feel free to be themselves. I was walking down the street with my little Lumix point and shoot camera when I saw this woman walking ahead of me. I would have loved to have a shot from the front, but I was also enamored with the walk away image. Look at the three photo's, which is the most appealing, which captured her best. I am guessing she is a story teller or a tourist guide, but who knows for sure. With the walking stick and hat she could be one of the guides for the haunted New Orleans tours. I loved the black and her red hair flaming down her back, such great contrast.
photo by Elizabeth Gordon |
photo by Elizabeth Gordon |
photo by Elizabeth Gordon |
In the photos below I happened to catch this wonderful interaction between these two music lovers and friends. The faces of the men so captured by a common love of music was so wonderful to get a shot of. You don't have to be rich to be a musician in New Orleans, if fact, you probably wouldn't be. But music can be enjoyed by all people no matter what economic level. The city lives and breathes music. Like my other home of Asheville you can't walk down the street without hearing music on every corner!
Photo by Elizabeth Gordon |
photo by Elizabeth Gordon |
Young Music lovers, out playing music in the Quarter with parental supervision of course. These were twins, brother and sister and they wanted to play in the French Quarter, so two very loving parents helped them to experience their dream.
photo by Elizabeth Gordon |
Photo by Elizabeth Gordon |
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