Wow! Wow! Wow! We are about to reach the biggest benchmark of Rabbit's Moon Studio's two year History! With in a few days we will reach 100,000 and then my loyal readers and accidental readers we will CELEBRATE!
So on the days and days I lay in bed I began to think what could I do with my time. I retired fully from teaching in 2008 never returning to the classroom, but missing art a great deal.
Then I found out I had Hepatitis C due to the dengue fever. My immune system was so compromised that a virus I had carried since 1985 when I was exposed to the virus during an operation before blood was tested. Now I was in a fight for my life and more bed ridden that ever.
My young friend Monica, from Peru, had an idea about doing a blog, and I thought why can't I do that as well. It will be about my art, supporting other artists, and being an art advocate, and helping others see through the eyes of an artist the process of creating art.
Me on the left, My friend Peruvian Monica and her husband Brian |
So Rabbit's Moon Studio was born. Now two years later, I am still writing and still sharing rarely missing more than a day or two. I had no idea I would be so committed to doing this with such attentiveness. But now a little more that two years later here we are facing a new benchmark of 100,000 visits from people worldwide...from Nepal to the Philippines to Bali to Australia, to England to Russia to China to Bangladesh, to Africa and around the world we go for the love of art and the good it can bring in this world, for you and in your community.
I thank you loyal readers!!! You have made this successful by your committed readership. I honor you, for two years ago I sat ill in my bedroom in my bed ill and started typing to the world. Now I am healthy, doing art, traveling and meeting other artists who I have made friends with through this blog. I thank you all for the bottom of my heart. I am trying to think of a way to honor you back and share something special with you.
ps. an addendum...you may ask why Rabbit's Moon as a name. That to is more than it appears. I do not own rabbits nor did I chose the name because it sounds Indian or from a Japanese tale. It too began as an accident during a difficult time. It is an act of positive affirmation when I was working for a horrible principal who was abusive to her staff, and put on an open stage in a cafeteria with no curtains or wall to three lunches of severely emotionally disturbed teenagers who jumped on stage to fight with my class, taunted them and me, threw food on stage and more. One 19 year old disturbed young man who had a history of hitting teachers threatened me and I stared at his cocked fist for thirty minutes while I talked him down and talked the class into getting him to calm down. The principal wanted to punish me and not the disturbed young man, that is how disturbed she was. So what did I do, I counted Rabbits in the middle of an interstate where their seemed to be no sustainable living situation...little brown marsh rabbits. One day I saw one, and then two ....I finally got up to five. I decided in my mind they brought me good luck and not matter how bad my day might be, I could consciously trick my mind...like on a Friday and I knew the weekend was coming, no amount of bad stuff was going to bother me. Counting Rabbits got me through a horrible horrible year. So I learned the basis of positive thinking
ps. an addendum...you may ask why Rabbit's Moon as a name. That to is more than it appears. I do not own rabbits nor did I chose the name because it sounds Indian or from a Japanese tale. It too began as an accident during a difficult time. It is an act of positive affirmation when I was working for a horrible principal who was abusive to her staff, and put on an open stage in a cafeteria with no curtains or wall to three lunches of severely emotionally disturbed teenagers who jumped on stage to fight with my class, taunted them and me, threw food on stage and more. One 19 year old disturbed young man who had a history of hitting teachers threatened me and I stared at his cocked fist for thirty minutes while I talked him down and talked the class into getting him to calm down. The principal wanted to punish me and not the disturbed young man, that is how disturbed she was. So what did I do, I counted Rabbits in the middle of an interstate where their seemed to be no sustainable living situation...little brown marsh rabbits. One day I saw one, and then two ....I finally got up to five. I decided in my mind they brought me good luck and not matter how bad my day might be, I could consciously trick my mind...like on a Friday and I knew the weekend was coming, no amount of bad stuff was going to bother me. Counting Rabbits got me through a horrible horrible year. So I learned the basis of positive thinking
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