An artist's creative journey in learning new media. An inner look at the creative process at work when an artist explores new media.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Puzzle Pottery
In glass this past Wednesday Kathy, one of our new students, brought in a piece she had started at home. The construction is really interesting and applicable for all kinds of projects in clay. It is a unique building base that could be used with smaller sections or very large sculptural pieces. I could see a wide range of possibilities with this base idea. Each section slides into the other, it is not glued and may be disassembled at any time.
Kathy called her work doodling, the art on the sides, and was very humble about it. But she should not be, she has shared a wonderful idea and technique with the class and now to you. I can see small chidden in art classes doing wonderful projects with this. It would appeal to them because it is like leggo's building blocks.
Kathy is a retied emergency room nurse. You can tell by her demeanor she was excellent. She is a wonderful person who is tender hearted and kind, but pretends she isn't. She is really wonderful lady. All of the group she comes with drives from North Tampa down for class. Most of them smoke, since there is no smoking allowed in the studio, they step outside to smoke. They call it checking the weather.We are going out to check the weather. They are a fun bunch!
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