On my mountain near Asheville are two wonderful women. Dumont and JB(Judy). They are both creative, caring people. There is little JB can't build and even less that Dumont can't decorate. They are a great team! They have worked on more than 10 houses over the years, remodeling and decorating. Dumont has worked with interior design companies and artists. She can take a found object, something rusty or old and just put it together with great taste. I looked recently at all the houses they have worked on and it was very impressive. Their most recent house was a mountain cabin that had been rented out and needed lots of work. Now, you need to know these to ladies don't see anything modern, edgy or Frank Lloyd Wrightish they don't like. The cabin has a killer view, a million dollar view. So now they are turning a very humble cabin into an architectural wonder...and all by their own two hands with a little help here and there. The next post will show more of their remodeling steps. My hats off to you mountain women!!!

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