Nature is a constant source of inspiration for artists.
I learned a geat deal about nature from my Mother and Father who both grew up
on rural farms. They were both keen observers of animals, plants and nature.
My Mother went on to get a degree in biology and taught science. We were brought up
with animals of all kinds: dogs, cats, birds, snakes, fish, lizards, mice and even a pet skunk. Our
family often went on rides into the country side. Mother taught us about the many
different bird calls, how to identify birds eggs and how each species of birds construct their nest
so differently.
And then there were the animals Mom rescued. My Mother rescued many animals
during my childhood. There was pidgie, a pigeon that had a broken
wing. She lived with us all winter in a card board box by the fireplace. At first I was a
bit annoyed with the inconvenience, but then I noticed pidgie looked forward to me
coming in the room, then she wanted petting and being held. I then understood she had
a personality that was her own. Now when I look at pigeons on the street or at a park, all
I think how they must each be unique like pidgie. Then there was squirlie, and squirlie 2.
There were possums that ate cat food with the cats and large Buffo frogs that came to her
call. What we learned from Mother was to honor all life, and to respect each species
unique personalties.
There is an American Indian story I remember in which the Father explains the importance of
all Earth's creatures to his children. He tells his children animals and insects are like people
with families and a job to do on this Earth. He tells his children we must
honor their lives. If it is necessary to take their life for food, then we must give thanks and honor
their being. I think my Mother must lived by this philosophy.
As artists we are observers and reflectors of the world.
What a lovely post - I also had the enormous priviledge of being brought up with animals, and my mother too was a wonderful guide and very knowledgeable and set alight a passion for nature and wildlife. What a gift to get!
Jennifer's work is beautiful. Her blog is listed under blogs I follow. Please check it out, you will be pleased you did. Elizabeth
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