The Travels of Leonardo Da Vinci!
Vinci is about to take a trip, but not to Italy, he is headed for the Blue Ridge/Smokey Mountains. Vinci, Da Vinci, loves to travel. He loves the sites, sounds and smells of different places. He is a people person so he loves creating people and family along the way. The necklace he is sporting in this photo does have Renaissance feel about it, and he is a renaissance man, always looking for new ways to do things. He is planning to model the necklaces for artists and galleries in Asheville, he is quite the promoter. So get ready gang we are about to hit the road, and we are taking you all with us, virtually. No matter where you live you are about to take a trip up the South East Coast and across the state of South Carolina into the Blue Ridge Mountains! You will see the first sighting of Savanna's in Georgia, and the saw grasses that reflect the glint of the sun. You will see lake sunsets in the rural South and small towns, and you will see the first glimpse of the Blue Ridge that makes you gasp at the site and thought of the exquisite beauty of Asheville, Blue Ridge Park Way, Smokey Mountains, and the artisans and galleries along the way. I will post when I have internet capability, for we are taking this trip together. Pack you bags, its time!!
Have a wonderful trip Betsy!!
I'll be i" in the back seat " with you and Vinci!
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